Friday, June 8, 2012

Outfit shot 2

Since it was a “photo shoot” outing with my friends, I wanted to look chic yet simple. It was a really hot day so my usual color of black was out of the picture. So I just decided to wear a white polo made with very light/thin cloth and denim shorts that has a subtle leopard print.
What I love about my shorts is that, even though my shorts do have animal print, it doesn’t scream out WHOA- but it’s still enough to make a statement.
The outfit that I chose to wear was simple so I added in a little bit of blue and gold to put some color into my outfit. My white bracelet is rimmed with the color gold, and on the other wrist I was wearing a gold wrap around bracelet. As for the hints of blue, my heels are plain blue, and my hat has a cloth wrapped around it of the color blue as well.
Thank goodness for my red lipstick and shades, if it weren’t for them I’d probably look really worn out.
Hail to a dab of lipstick to put an outfit together!

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